In addition to the titles listed below, Thanissaro Bhikkhu has also translated into English many books by masters of the Thai forest traditions, including Upasika Kee Nanayon and Ajaans Lee, Fuang, and Maha Boowa. An anthology of his sutta translations is available in a four-volume series of books entitled Handful of Leaves, available from Metta Forest Monastery. He has also prepared a number of Study Guides on various topics of interest to Buddhist practitioners. Books that are available free of charge in printed form are marked thus: [book icon].

Ngoài những danh sách được liệt kê bên dưới, Tỳ kheo Thanissaro cũng đã dịch nhiều sách tiếng Anh của các bậc thầy của truyền thống Lâm Tăng Thái, bao gồm Upasika Kee Nanayon và Ajaans Lee, Fuang, và Maha Boowa. Một tuyển tập các bản dịch của Ngài đã hoàn thành nằm trong 4 cuốn sách mang tên Leaves, Handful of Leaves, có thể kiếm tại Metta Forest Monastery. Ngài cũng soạn thảo một số Hướng dẫn về các chủ đề khác nhau liên quan đến Phật giáo trên mạng internet. Sách in được phát miễn phí [book icon].

Note: For the most up-to-date collection of articles and books by Thanissaro Bhikkhu, see


Note: Các bài giảng và sách được cập nhập của Ngài Thanissaro Bhikkhu, coi tại


Affirming the Truths of the Heart: The Buddhist Teachings on Samvega & Pasada, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997; 5pp./14KB)
Popular interpretations of Buddhism today often ignore the importance of two powerful emotions, emotions that propelled the Buddha — and all those who have sought Awakening since — towards the goal of Awakening: samvega, a sense of urgency to escape the round of meaningless existence; and pasada, a clarity and serene confidence that allows one to proceed confidently towards the goal without lapsing into despair. In this short essay the author explores the meaning of these essential emotions and how we can encourage them to blossom in our lives.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

Affirming the Truths of the Heart: Giáo Lý Phật Giáo về Samvega & Pasada , by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997; 5pp./14KB)
Cách hiểu thông thường của Phật giáo ngày nay thường bỏ qua tầm quan trọng của hai cảm xúc mạnh mẽ, cảm xúc mà đã thúc đẩy Phật - và tất cả những ai đi tìm Giác Ngộ - hướng tới các mục tiêu của Giác Ngộ: samvega, một cảm giác cấp bách để thoát khỏi vòng của sự tồn tại vô nghĩa; và pasada, một sự rõ ràng và tin tưởng mà cho phép người ta tiến hành một cách tự tin hướng tới mục tiêu mà không làm tuyệt vọng. Trong bài luận ngắn này, tác giả tìm hiểu ý nghĩa của những cảm xúc cần thiết và làm thế nào chúng ta có thể cổ vũ chúng phát triển trong cuộc sống của chúng ta..

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

The Agendas of Mindfulness, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2002; 3pp./10KB)
Mindfulness meditation is sometimes described as a kind of "passive all-encompassing acceptance" of one's immediate experience. But, as the author reminds us in this essay, the Pali texts paint a very different picture of what meditation is all about: it is, in fact, a very pro-active process with a clear agenda.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions.

The Agendas of Mindfulness, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2002; 3pp./10KB)
Thiền Chánh Niệm đôi khi được mô tả như một loại "thụ động chấp nhận tất cả" kinh nghiệm trực của một người. Nhưng, như tác giả nhắc nhở chúng ta trong bài tiểu luận này, các văn bản Pali vẽ nên một hình ảnh rất khác nhau về những gì thiền định là tất cả: đó là, trên thực tế, một quá trình rất chủ động với một vấn đề rõ ràng.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions.

All About Change, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2004; 6pp./18KB)
What did the Buddha really have to say about anicca — inconstancy and change? Does the fact of impermanence tell us (as some popular teachings claim) that we should learn to "embrace our experiences without clinging," that we have the freedom to "create whatever world we want to live in"? In fact, the Buddha's teachings on anicca offer something far more useful and profound.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

dt>All About Change - Chú Trọng đến Thay Đổi, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2004; 6pp./18KB)
Những gì Đức Phật đã thực sự có thể nói về anicca (vô thường) - không kiên định và thay đổi? Có một thực tế của vô thường nói với chúng ta (như một số lời dạy phổ biến) mà chúng ta nên học cách "nắm lấy kinh nghiệm của chúng tôi mà không dính mắc," mà chúng ta có quyền tự do để "tạo ra bất cứ điều gì trên thế giới chúng ta đang muốn sống"? Trong thực tế, những lời dạy của Đức Phật về vô thường cung cấp một cái gì đó hữu ích và sâu sắc hơn.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

The Atthaka Vagga: The Octet Chapter, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997; 5pp./16KB)
An introduction to the author's sutta translations from the Sutta Nipata's fourth chapter, which consists of sixteen poems on the theme of non-clinging.
The Atthaka Vagga: The Octet Chapter, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997; 5pp./16KB)
Giới thiệu của tác giả về bài kinh được dịch từ kinh Sutta Nipata chương thứ tư, mà bao gồm mười sáu bài thơ về chủ đề của không dính mắc.
Basic Breath Meditation Instructions, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1993; 3pp./8KB)
A guided meditation, from the talk, "Using Meditation to Deal with Pain, Illness & Death". (See also: "A Guided Meditation.")
Basic Breath Meditation Instructions, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1993; 3pp./8KB)
Hướng dẫn hành thiền, thừ các bài giảng"Using Meditation to Deal with Pain, Illness & Death". (See also: "A Guided Meditation.")
The Buddhist Monastic Code I: The Patimokkha Training Rules Translated and Explained, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2013; 515pp./3.1MB) [PDF icon]
The 227 Patimokkha training rules, which are recorded in the Suttavibhanga (the first major section of the Vinaya Pitaka), affect every aspect of the daily life of the Theravada Buddhist bhikkhu (monk). The Patimokkha rules are presented here along with summaries of their "origin stories" and extensive commentary to help the monk-in-training master the fine points of monastic conduct. This book is now in widespread use at English-speaking Theravada monasteries around the world. This is the third edition, revised in 2013 (PDF only). [Not available in HTML]

[book icon] Printed copies of this book are available upon request. For delivery to the Americas and Africa please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA. For delivery to Europe please write to Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, St. Margarets Lane, Great Gaddesden, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP1 3BZ, England. For delivery to Asia, Australia, and the Pacific please write to: Wat Pah Nanachat, Bahn Bung Wai, Amper Warin, Ubon 34310, Thailand.

Quy Luật của Tu Viện Phật Giáo I: Giới luật Tỳ Kheo dịch và giảng, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2013; 515pp./3.1MB) [PDF icon]
227 Giới Bổn Tỳ Kheo, được ghi lại trong Suttavibhanga (phần thứ nhất chủ yếu của Vinaya Pitaka), ảnh hưởng đến mọi khía cạnh của cuộc sống hàng ngày của các Tỳ Kheo Phật giáo Nguyên Thủy Tỳ kheo. Các giới bổn pāṭimokkha được trình bày ở đây cùng với bản tóm tắt của "câu chuyện nguồn gốc" của họ và được chú giải rộng rãi để giúp các vị Tỳ Kheo tu tập những điều tốt của tu viện. Cuốn sách này hiện nay đang được sử dụng rộng rãi tại các tu viện Nguyên Thủy nói tiếng Anh trên toàn thế giới. Đây là phiên bản thứ ba, sửa đổi năm 2013 (PDF . [Không có sẵn trong HTML]

[book icon] Những cuốn sách này phát miễn phí. Ở Mỹ Châu và Phi Châu xin liên lạc tại: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA. Ở Châu Âu xin liên lại tại Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, St. Margarets Lane, Great Gaddesden, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP1 3BZ, England. Ờ Á Châu, Úc Châu liên lạc tại: Wat Pah Nanachat, Bahn Bung Wai, Amper Warin, Ubon 34310, Thailand.

The Buddhist Monastic Code II: The Khandhaka Rules Translated and Explained, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2013; 478pp./2.8MB) [PDF icon]
Whereas the Patimokkha concerns the basic rules of Theravada Buddhist monastic life (see The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volume I), the Khandhaka (the second major section of the Vinaya Pitaka) concerns its customs, which are no less essential to monastic life. This landmark book organizes and explains the Khandhaka rules in a systematic and practical way, for the benefit of any Theravada monk-in-training. This is the third edition, revised in 2013 (PDF only). [Not available in HTML]

[book icon] Printed copies of this book are available upon request. For delivery to the Americas and Africa please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA. For delivery to Europe please write to Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, St. Margarets Lane, Great Gaddesden, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP1 3BZ, England. For delivery to Asia, Australia, and the Pacific please write to: Wat Pah Nanachat, Bahn Bung Wai, Amper Warin, Ubon 34310, Thailand.

Quy Luật của Tu Viện Phật Giáo II: Hợp Phần Giới Bổn dịch và giảng, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2013; 478pp./2.8MB) [PDF icon]
Trong khi giới bổn pāṭimokkha liên quan đến các quy luật cơ bản của cuộc sống tu viện Phật Giáo Nguyên Thủy(see The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volume I), Hợp Phần giới bổn (phần thứ hai chú trọng Vinaya Pitaka) liên quan đến hải quan, trong đó có không ít thiết yếu cho cuộc sống tu viện. Cuốn sách mang tính bước ngoặt này tổ chức và giải thích các quy tắc Khandhaka một cách hệ thống và thiết thực, vì lợi ích của bất kỳ vị tu sĩ Theravada tu tập. Đây là phiên bản thứ ba, chỉnh sửa vào năm 2013 (PDF chỉ). [Không có sẵn trong HTML]

[book icon] Printed copies of this book are available upon request. For delivery to the Americas and Africa please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA. For delivery to Europe please write to Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, St. Margarets Lane, Great Gaddesden, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP1 3BZ, England. For delivery to Asia, Australia, and the Pacific please write to: Wat Pah Nanachat, Bahn Bung Wai, Amper Warin, Ubon 34310, Thailand.

The Customs of the Noble Ones, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1999; 6pp./19KB)
Accordingly to one popular theory, the Buddha's teachings have survived all these years thanks to their ability to adapt to the customs of whatever culture they find themselves at each moment in history. The case of the Thai forest kammatthana tradition, however, offers a striking counterexample to this notion. As the author argues in this essay, history has shown that the true Dhamma survives only when people have been willing to adapt their own customs and habits so as to meet the Dhamma face-to-face, on its own terms.
The Customs of the Noble Ones, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1999; 6pp./19KB)
Dựa theo một giả thuyết phổ biến, giáo lý của Đức Phật đã tồn tại thời gian dài do sự thích ứng với tập quán của bất cứ nền văn hóa mà Phật Giáo có mặt ở mỗi thời điểm trong lịch sử. Trường hợp của truyền thống kammatthana Lâm Tăng Thái, tuy nhiên,đưa ra điểm nổi bật với khái niệm này. Như tác giả lập luận trong bài viết này, lịch sử đã cho thấy rằng Chánh pháp chỉ tồn tại khi mọi người đã sẵn sàng để thích nghi với phong tục tập quán riêng của họ để đáp ứng Phật pháp mặt đối mặt, theo cách riêng của nó..
De-perception, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2002; 5pp./14KB)
When we sit down to meditate we usually bring along a host of assumptions about what our perceptions are, what our experience of meditation is like, and what it should be. As meditators, our task is to learn to ask the right questions — questions that will help us break through layer after layer of these false preconceived notions. This article, based on a Dhamma talk, is full of practical advice for meditators of all levels.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions.

De-perception, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2002; 5pp./14KB)
Khi chúng ta ngồi xuống để thiền định chúng ta thường mang theo một loạt các giả định về những gì nhận thức của chúng ta là, những gì kinh nghiệm của chúng ta về thiền định là như thế, và những gì nó nên được. Khi hành thiền, nhiệm vụ của chúng ta là để học hỏi những câu hỏi đúng - câu hỏi đó sẽ giúp chúng ta vượt qua từ từ của những định kiến sai lầm. Bài viết này, dựa trên một cuộc nói chuyện Phật pháp, có đầy đủ các lời khuyên thiết thực cho các hành giả của tất cả các cấp.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions.

Dhammapada, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2012; 126pp./2KB) [PDF icon]
The Dhammapada, an anthology of verses attributed to the Buddha, has long been recognized as one of the masterpieces of early Buddhist literature. Only more recently have scholars realized that it is also one of the early masterpieces in the Indian tradition of kavya, or belles lettres. This translation of the Dhammapada is an attempt to render the verses into English in a way that does justice to both of the traditions to which the text belongs. This translation also grew from the translator's conviction that the text deserved to be offered freely as a gift of Dhamma. As few good-quality translations of this beloved text are currently available as gifts, the translator was inspired to make his own. Thus was this translation born.
Dhammapada, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2012; 126pp./2KB) [PDF icon]
Kinh Pháp Cú, một tuyển tập những bài kệ Đức Phật kệ, từ lâu đã được công nhận là một trong những kiệt tác của văn học Phật giáo cổ. Chỉ gần đây có học giả nhận ra rằng đó cũng là một trong những kiệt tác đầu tiên trong truyền thống của Kavya, hoặc belles Lettres. Bản dịch này của Kinh Pháp Cú là một nỗ lực để chuyển dịch các câu kệ sang tiếng Anh được chỉnh sửa cho hợp với hai truyền thống mà các văn bản phụ thuộc. Bản dịch này cũng đã tăng từ niềm tin của người dịch mà các văn bản xứng đáng để được cung cấp tự do như một món quà của Giáo Pháp. Như vài bản dịch tốt chất lượng của văn bản hiện đang có như là tặng phẩm, người dịch đã được truyền cảm hứng để làm của riêng mình. Do vậy bản dịch này ra đời.
The Economy of Gifts, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997; 4pp./12KB)
This short essay explores the vital role of giving (dana) in Theravada Buddhism, especially as it is expressed in the relation between the lay and monastic communities. These mutually dependent communities support one another by means of an economy based entirely on generosity itself, thus offering us a refreshing alternative to modern Western materialism.
The Economy of Gifts, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997; 4pp./12KB)
Tiểu luận ngắn này nói lên vai trò của sự bố thí (dana) Trong Phật Giáo Nguyên Thủy, đặc biệt là khi được thể hiện trong mối quan hệ giữa cộng đồng Phật tử và tu sĩ. Các cộng đồng phụ thuộc lẫn nhau hỗ trợ nhau bằng phương tiện của một nền kinh tế dựa hoàn toàn vào sử bố thí, thật vậy cung cấp cho chúng tôi một sự thay thế mới lạ cho Tây phương hiện đại..
Educating Compassion, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 5pp./16KB)
How can we best serve a loved one who is sick or dying? In such situations simply acting with compassion and mindfulness is not enough; there are skills we must learn before we can truly be of compassionate service.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

Educating Compassion, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 5pp./16KB)
Làm thế nào chúng ta có thể săn sóc tốt nhất một người thân bị bệnh hoặc đang hấp hối? Trong tình huống như vậy chỉ đơn giản là hành động với lòng trắc ẩn và chánh niệm là không đủ; cách tốt nhất chúng ta phải tìm hiểu trước khi chúng ta thật sự có thể săn sóc với lòng trắc ẩn.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

ePublished Dhamma Talks (1), by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 131pp./0.5MB) [PDF icon]
Thirty-seven Dhamma talks from the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery. [Not available in HTML]
ePublished Dhamma Talks (1), by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 131pp./0.5MB) [PDF icon]
Thirty-seven Dhamma talks from the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery. [Not available in HTML]
ePublished Dhamma Talks (2), by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 87pp./481KB) [PDF icon]
Twenty-two Dhamma talks from the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery. [Not available in HTML]
ePublished Dhamma Talks (2), by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 87pp./481KB) [PDF icon]
Twenty-two Dhamma talks from the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery. [Not available in HTML]
ePublished Dhamma Talks (3), by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 338pp./1MB) [PDF icon]
Seventy-eight Dhamma talks from the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery. [Not available in HTML]
ePublished Dhamma Talks (3), by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 338pp./1MB) [PDF icon]
Seventy-eight Dhamma talks from the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery. [Not available in HTML]
Emptiness, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997; 2pp./7KB)
In this short essay the author explains the role of emptiness in the practice of meditation.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

Emptiness, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997; 2pp./7KB)
In this short essay the author explains the role of emptiness in the practice of meditation.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

Faith In Awakening, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 10pp./31KB)
Is faith necessary? In this essay the author challenges three popular misconceptions concerning the role of faith in Buddhism.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

Faith In Awakening, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 10pp./31KB)
Is faith necessary? In this essay the author challenges three popular misconceptions concerning the role of faith in Buddhism.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

Five Piles of Bricks: The Khandhas as Burden & Path, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2002; 6pp./19KB)
When asked, "What am I?" Buddhist scholars and meditation teachers, alike, usually state that what we conventionally call a "person" is best understood in terms of the five khandhas: form, feeling, perceptions, mental fabrications, and consciousness. This understanding of the khandhas, which first emerged several centuries after the Buddha's death in the commentarial literature, differs significantly from the role of the khandhas as presented in the Pali canon. In this essay the author shows that the Buddha used the teachings of the khandhas not to define what we are, but rather as a tool to help us put an end to our suffering.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions.

Five Piles of Bricks: The Khandhas as Burden & Path, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2002; 6pp./19KB)
Khi được hỏi, "Tôi là gì?" các học giả Phật giáo và thiền sư, như nhau, thường nói rằng những gì chúng ta quy ước gọi là "người" được hiểu tốt nhất về ngũ uẩn: sắc, thọ, tưởng, hành về thức và ý thức. Sự hiểu biết này của ngũ uẩn, mà lần đầu tiên xuất hiện trong nhiều thế kỷ sau khi Đức Phật Niết-bàn trong các trào lưu văn học, khác nhiều so với vai trò của các uẩn như thể hiện trong kinh điển Pali. Trong bài viết này, tác giả cho thấy rằng Đức Phật đã sử dụng những lời dạy của các uẩn không để xác định những gì chúng ta đang có, nhưng đúng hơn là một công cụ để giúp chúng tôi chấm dứt khổ đau.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions.

Food for Awakening: The Role of Appropriate Attention, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2010; 9pp./26KB)
What is "bare attention"? The answer may surprise you.
Food for Awakening: The Role of Appropriate Attention, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2010; 9pp./26KB)
What is "bare attention"? The answer may surprise you.
Freedom From Buddha Nature, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2010; 6pp./18KB)
According to the early Buddhist teachings, the mind is neither innately good, innately bad, or innately Awakened; it is our choices and our actions that shape the development of the mind. In fact, if we make any assumptions about the mind's innate qualities, we only impede our progress towards a true and lasting freedom.
Freedom From Buddha Nature, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2010; 6pp./18KB)
Theo giáo lý Phật giáo thời kỳ đầu, tâm không phải là bẩm sinh tốt, xấu, hoặc bẩm sinh giác ngộ; nó là sự lựa chọn của chúng ta và hành động của chúng ta để định hình sự phát triển của tâm. Trong thực tế, nếu chúng ta thực hiện bất kỳ giả định về phẩm chất bẩm sinh của tâm trí, chúng ta chỉ cản trở sự tiến bộ của chúng ta hướng tới một tự do thật sự và lâu dài.
Freedom From Fear, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2002; 7pp./20KB)
Human beings have forever lived in fear: fear of change, of loss, of death. Unfortunately, we have also adopted a host of unskillful ways to deal with those fears. The author writes: "The most unskillful response to fear is when, perceiving dangers to our own life or property, we believe that we can gain strength and security by destroying the lives and property of others." In this essay the author describes the Buddha's prescription for overcoming fear once and for all, by uprooting its very cause.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions

Freedom From Fear, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2002; 7pp./20KB)
Con người đã mãi mãi sống trong sợ hãi: sợ thay đổi, mất mát, của cái chết. Thật không may, chúng ta cũng đã thông qua một loạt các cách vụng về để đối phó với những nỗi sợ hãi. Tác giả viết: "Những phản ứng vụng về nhất để sợ hãi là khi, cảm nhận được mối nguy hiểm đến tính mạng hoặc tài sản riêng của chúng ta, chúng ta tin rằng chúng ta có thể đạt được sức mạnh và bình an bằng cách phá hủy cuộc sống và tài sản của người khác." Trong bài viết này, tác giả mô tả theo phương thức của Đức Phật để vượt qua nỗi sợ hãi một lần và cho tất cả, bằng cách nhổ bỏ căn nguyên của nó.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions

Getting the Message, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 7pp./21KB)
In today's climate of terrorism and war, we hear politicians, pundits, and even a few Buddhist teachers insisting that killing can be morally justified when it prevents others from killing. In this essay the author points out that the Buddha's teachings on the subject are uncompromising and crystal clear: killing is never skillful.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

Getting the Message, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 7pp./21KB)
Ngày hôm nay trong phong trào của chủ nghĩa khủng bố và chiến tranh, chúng ta nghe các chính trị gia, học giả, và thậm chí một vài giảng sư Phật giáo nhấn mạnh rằng giết người có thể được biện minh về mặt đạo đức khi nó ngăn chặn kẻ khác giết chết. Trong bài viết này, tác giả chỉ ra rằng những lời dạy của Đức Phật về đề tài này là kiên quyết và tinh thể rõ ràng: giết người là không bao giờ là thiện pháp..

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

A Guided Meditation, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1999; 4pp./11KB)
Basic instructions in the practice of breath meditation. (See also: "Basic Breath Meditation Instructions.")

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

A Guided Meditation, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1999; 4pp./11KB)
Basic instructions in the practice of breath meditation. (See also: "Basic Breath Meditation Instructions.")

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

Head & Heart Toget
her: Bringing Wisdom to the Brahma-viharas, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2009; 8pp./24KB)
Good will, compassion, empathetic joy, and equanimity are all qualities that can be developed with practice. To elevate them fully to the level of brahmavihara, however, requires the hard work of bringing real intelligence to your heart.
Head & Heart Together: Bringing Wisdom to the Brahma-viharas, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2009; 8pp./24KB)
Thiện chí, lòng trắc ẩn, niềm vui đồng cảm, và xả là tất cả những phẩm chất mà có thể được phát triển với thực tế. Để nâng chúng hoàn toàn đến mức độ ba la mật, tuy nhiên, đòi hỏi công việc khó khăn của việc đưa trí tuệ thực sự cho trái tim của bạn..
Head & Heart Together: Essays on the Buddhist Path, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; ??pages/448KB) [PDF icon]
Thirteen essays, including: 'The Lessons of Gratitude', 'No Strings Attached', 'The Power of Judgment', 'Think like a Thief', 'Strength Training for the Mind', 'Mindfulness Defined', 'The Joy of Effort', 'Head & Heart Together', 'The Wisdom of the Ego', 'Ignorance', 'Food for Awakening', 'The Buddha via the Bible', and 'Freedom from Buddha Nature'. [Not available in HTML]
Head & Heart Together: Essays on the Buddhist Path, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; ??pages/448KB) [PDF icon]
Thirteen essays, including: 'The Lessons of Gratitude', 'No Strings Attached', 'The Power of Judgment', 'Think like a Thief', 'Strength Training for the Mind', 'Mindfulness Defined', 'The Joy of Effort', 'Head & Heart Together', 'The Wisdom of the Ego', 'Ignorance', 'Food for Awakening', 'The Buddha via the Bible', and 'Freedom from Buddha Nature'. [Not available in HTML]
The Healing Power of the Precepts, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997; 4pp./11KB)
Many people today have come to the Buddha's teachings in search of emotional and spiritual healing. In this short essay the author reminds us that the single most effective tool for healing a wounded heart may be found in the cultivation of sila, or virtuous conduct.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

The Healing Power of the Precepts, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997; 4pp./11KB)
Many people today have come to the Buddha's teachings in search of emotional and spiritual healing. In this short essay the author reminds us that the single most effective tool for healing a wounded heart may be found in the cultivation of sila, or virtuous conduct.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

Ignorance, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2008; 3pp./9KB)
We're ignorant not for lack of information or knowledge, but because of the unskillful ways in which we handle stress and suffering. Develop the proper skills and Awakening is sure to follow.
Ignorance, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2008; 3pp./9KB)
We're ignorant not for lack of information or knowledge, but because of the unskillful ways in which we handle stress and suffering. Develop the proper skills and Awakening is sure to follow.
The Integrity of Emptiness, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 10pp./30KB)
Much has been written about the Buddhist concept of emptiness — in particular, that it refers to a metaphysical principle of the absence of any inherent existence. In this essay the author points out that this notion has very little to do with what the Buddha himself actually said about emptiness. In fact, the Buddha's teachings on emptiness are of a fundamentally practical nature, having everything to do with how to choose your actions with care and how to relate to their results with wisdom.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

The Integrity of Emptiness, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 10pp./30KB)
Much has been written about the Buddhist concept of emptiness — in particular, that it refers to a metaphysical principle of the absence of any inherent existence. In this essay the author points out that this notion has very little to do with what the Buddha himself actually said about emptiness. In fact, the Buddha's teachings on emptiness are of a fundamentally practical nature, having everything to do with how to choose your actions with care and how to relate to their results with wisdom.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

Itivuttaka: This Was Said by the Buddha, translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2001; 88pp./20KB) [PDF icon]

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Itivuttaka: This Was Said by the Buddha, translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2001; 88pp./20KB) [PDF icon]

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Jhana Not by the Numbers, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2005; 4pp./12KB)
The author recalls how Ajaan Fuang taught meditation to his students: he would give them just enough instruction to stay on-track, but would rarely "certify" them as having attained this or that level of jhana, thereby motivating them to develop self-reliance and ingenuity in their meditation. In the words of Ajaan Fuang: "If I have to explain everything, you'll get used to having things handed to you on a platter. And then what will you do when problems come up in your meditation and you don't have any experience in figuring things out on your own?"

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart

Jhana Not by the Numbers, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2005; 4pp./12KB)
The author recalls how Ajaan Fuang taught meditation to his students: he would give them just enough instruction to stay on-track, but would rarely "certify" them as having attained this or that level of jhana, thereby motivating them to develop self-reliance and ingenuity in their meditation. In the words of Ajaan Fuang: "If I have to explain everything, you'll get used to having things handed to you on a platter. And then what will you do when problems come up in your meditation and you don't have any experience in figuring things out on your own?"

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart

The Joy of Effort, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2010; 5pp./15KB)
On bringing a joyful, playful attitude to the serious practice of meditation.
The Joy of Effort, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2010; 5pp./15KB)
On bringing a joyful, playful attitude to the serious practice of meditation.
Karma, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2000; 3pp./8KB)
This short introductory essay explains the nature of karma (Pali: kamma), or willful action. The process of karma is a complex interplay between the fruits of our past actions (over which we have no control in the present) and the choices we make in the present moment; it is not a convenient justification for the misfortune of others ("Oh, it's just their karma!").

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

Karma, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2000; 3pp./8KB)
This short introductory essay explains the nature of karma (Pali: kamma), or willful action. The process of karma is a complex interplay between the fruits of our past actions (over which we have no control in the present) and the choices we make in the present moment; it is not a convenient justification for the misfortune of others ("Oh, it's just their karma!").

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

The Karma of Questions: Essays on the Buddhist Path, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2002)
As the author writes in the Introduction: "There's no such thing as a totally idle question. Every question, even the most casual, carries an intention." Since one's intentions shape the course of one's entire spiritual journey, learning to ask the right kinds of questions plays an essential role in any spiritual practice. This collection of essays explores the nature of questions in the Buddhist path. Essays include: Life Isn't Just Suffering, Opening the Door to the Dhamma, Questions of Skill, Freedom from Fear, Samsara, Samsara Divided by Zero, The Agendas of Mindfulness, De-perception, The Weight of Mountains, File Piles of Bricks, and "When you know for yourselves...".

[book icon] Available in various formats at To request a free printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, PO Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082 USA.

The Karma of Questions: Essays on the Buddhist Path, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2002)
As the author writes in the Introduction: "There's no such thing as a totally idle question. Every question, even the most casual, carries an intention." Since one's intentions shape the course of one's entire spiritual journey, learning to ask the right kinds of questions plays an essential role in any spiritual practice. This collection of essays explores the nature of questions in the Buddhist path. Essays include: Life Isn't Just Suffering, Opening the Door to the Dhamma, Questions of Skill, Freedom from Fear, Samsara, Samsara Divided by Zero, The Agendas of Mindfulness, De-perception, The Weight of Mountains, File Piles of Bricks, and "When you know for yourselves...".

[book icon] Available in various formats at To request a free printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, PO Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082 USA.

Legends of Somdet Toh, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 7pp./20KB)
Somdet Toh (1788-1872) was one of nineteenth century Thailand's most famous and beloved meditation monks. In this short article the author recounts several anecdotal stories and legends that reveal the wit and wisdom of this extraordinary monk.
Legends of Somdet Toh, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 7pp./20KB)
Somdet Toh (1788-1872) was one of nineteenth century Thailand's most famous and beloved meditation monks. In this short article the author recounts several anecdotal stories and legends that reveal the wit and wisdom of this extraordinary monk.
The Lessons of Gratitude, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2010; 7pp./22KB)
How to repay the kindness of others in the best possible way.
The Lessons of Gratitude, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2010; 7pp./22KB)
How to repay the kindness of others in the best possible way.
Lost in Quotation, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2012; 5pp./16KB)
A clarification of the Kalama Sutta, one of the most famous — and misquoted — suttas in the entire Tipitaka.
Lost in Quotation, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2012; 5pp./16KB)
A clarification of the Kalama Sutta, one of the most famous — and misquoted — suttas in the entire Tipitaka.
The Meaning of the Buddha's Awakening, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997; 3pp./9KB)
Although the Buddha's Awakening took place long ago in ancient India, the fact of his Awakening is very much alive today and has profound implications for how we approach Buddhist practice. In this essay the author explores both the What and the How of the Buddha's Awakening: what he awakened to and how he did it.
The Meaning of the Buddha's Awakening, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997; 3pp./9KB)
Although the Buddha's Awakening took place long ago in ancient India, the fact of his Awakening is very much alive today and has profound implications for how we approach Buddhist practice. In this essay the author explores both the What and the How of the Buddha's Awakening: what he awakened to and how he did it.
Meditations 1: Forty Dhamma Talks, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2003; 151pp./454KB)
These short talks on meditation practice were given by Ajaan Geoff (Thanissaro Bhikkhu) during the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery (California). Using breath meditation as the principal point of reference, these talks address a wide range of topics of practical interest to beginning and advanced meditators, alike. Topics range from the development of generosity, the cultivation of skillful qualities of mind, how to develop concentration, how to overcome fear, and so on — all the way to the opening to the transcendent itself. This book is highly recommended.

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Meditations 1: Forty Dhamma Talks, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2003; 151pp./454KB)
These short talks on meditation practice were given by Ajaan Geoff (Thanissaro Bhikkhu) during the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery (California). Using breath meditation as the principal point of reference, these talks address a wide range of topics of practical interest to beginning and advanced meditators, alike. Topics range from the development of generosity, the cultivation of skillful qualities of mind, how to develop concentration, how to overcome fear, and so on — all the way to the opening to the transcendent itself. This book is highly recommended.

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Meditations 2: Dhamma Talks, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 164pp./491KB)
More Dhamma talks from the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery. This book is highly recommended.

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Meditations 2: Dhamma Talks, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 164pp./491KB)
More Dhamma talks from the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery. This book is highly recommended.

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Meditations 3: Dhamma Talks, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 154pp./461KB)
More Dhamma talks from the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery. This book is highly recommended.

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Meditations 3: Dhamma Talks, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 154pp./461KB)
More Dhamma talks from the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery. This book is highly recommended.

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Meditations 4: Dhamma Talks, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2010; 170pp./0.5MB)
More Dhamma talks from the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery. This book is highly recommended.

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Meditations 4: Dhamma Talks, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2010; 170pp./0.5MB)
More Dhamma talks from the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery. This book is highly recommended.

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Meditations 5: Dhamma Talks, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 189pp./0.6MB)
More Dhamma talks from the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery.

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Meditations 5: Dhamma Talks, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 189pp./0.6MB)
More Dhamma talks from the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery.

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Metta Means Goodwill, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 6pp./16KB) [PDF icon]
In this short essay, the author proposes a translation of the Pali term "metta" that is more in keeping with the Buddha's early teachings.
Metta Means Goodwill, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 6pp./16KB) [PDF icon]
In this short essay, the author proposes a translation of the Pali term "metta" that is more in keeping with the Buddha's early teachings.
Mind Like Fire Unbound: An Image in the Early Buddhist Discourses (Fourth Edition), by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff) (1999; 97pp./11KB) [PDF icon]
Early Buddhism borrowed two of its central terms from the workings of fire. Upadana, or clinging, originally referred to the fuel that kept fire burning; nibbana, the name of the goal, to a fire's going out. This is the first book to examine these terms from the perspective of how the early Buddhists themselves viewed fire — what they saw happening as a fire burned, and what happened to the fire when it went out — to show what light this perspective throws on Buddhist doctrine in general, and the practice of meditation in particular. With extensive quotations from the Pali canon, newly translated, this is also a useful sourcebook for anyone who wants to encounter Buddhist teachings in their earliest known context.

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Mind Like Fire Unbound: An Image in the Early Buddhist Discourses (Fourth Edition), by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff) (1999; 97pp./11KB) [PDF icon]
Early Buddhism borrowed two of its central terms from the workings of fire. Upadana, or clinging, originally referred to the fuel that kept fire burning; nibbana, the name of the goal, to a fire's going out. This is the first book to examine these terms from the perspective of how the early Buddhists themselves viewed fire — what they saw happening as a fire burned, and what happened to the fire when it went out — to show what light this perspective throws on Buddhist doctrine in general, and the practice of meditation in particular. With extensive quotations from the Pali canon, newly translated, this is also a useful sourcebook for anyone who wants to encounter Buddhist teachings in their earliest known context.

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Mindfulness Defined, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2008; 6pp./18KB)
Over the years the word sati has accumulated a host of meanings that go far beyond the Buddha's original definition of the word. Meditation practice calls for a clear understanding of what sati is and how to use it skillfully in concert with other mental qualities.
Mindfulness Defined, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2008; 6pp./18KB)
Over the years the word sati has accumulated a host of meanings that go far beyond the Buddha's original definition of the word. Meditation practice calls for a clear understanding of what sati is and how to use it skillfully in concert with other mental qualities.
Nibbana, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1996; 2pp./5KB)
This short essay sketches the use of fire imagery in early Buddhism to describe Nibbana, the goal of Buddhist practice. This essay is a good starting point before tackling the more comprehensive book on the same subject: The Mind Like Fire Unbound: An Image in the Early Buddhist Discourses.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

Nibbana, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1996; 2pp./5KB)
This short essay sketches the use of fire imagery in early Buddhism to describe Nibbana, the goal of Buddhist practice. This essay is a good starting point before tackling the more comprehensive book on the same subject: The Mind Like Fire Unbound: An Image in the Early Buddhist Discourses.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

No Strings Attached: The Buddha's Culture of Generosity, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2009; 6pp./19KB)
Have you ever felt vaguely uneasy upon hearing the 'dana talk' that often accompanies the beginning or end of a Western-style meditation retreat? If so, you're not alone. Such fundraising appeals have little in common with the Buddha's original teachings on generosity.
No Strings Attached: The Buddha's Culture of Generosity, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2009; 6pp./19KB)
Have you ever felt vaguely uneasy upon hearing the 'dana talk' that often accompanies the beginning or end of a Western-style meditation retreat? If so, you're not alone. Such fundraising appeals have little in common with the Buddha's original teachings on generosity.
Noble Strategy: Essays on the Buddhist Path, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 1p./3KB) [PDF icon]
A collection of essays concerning the Buddhist path of practice. The essays, which are available online individually, include: "Affirming the Truths of the Heart", "Karma", "The Road to Nirvana Is Paved with Skillful Intentions", "The Healing Power of the Precepts", "Right Speech", "Trading Candy for Gold", "A Guided Meditation", "The Path of Concentration & Mindfulness", "One Tool Among Many", "What Is Emptiness?", "No-self or Not-self?", and "Nibbana".

[book icon] To request a free copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, PO Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082 USA.

Noble Strategy: Essays on the Buddhist Path, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 1p./3KB) [PDF icon]
A collection of essays concerning the Buddhist path of practice. The essays, which are available online individually, include: "Affirming the Truths of the Heart", "Karma", "The Road to Nirvana Is Paved with Skillful Intentions", "The Healing Power of the Precepts", "Right Speech", "Trading Candy for Gold", "A Guided Meditation", "The Path of Concentration & Mindfulness", "One Tool Among Many", "What Is Emptiness?", "No-self or Not-self?", and "Nibbana".

[book icon] To request a free copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, PO Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082 USA.

No-self or Not-self?, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1996; 3pp./8KB)
Is the central Buddhist teaching of anatta (not-self) a statement of metaphysical truth, or is it a strategy for gaining release from suffering? Through a careful study of the key passages from the Pali canon on the subject of anatta, the author here demonstrates the latter to be the case. (This is Ven. Thanissaro's second essay on the subject. For a more expanded treatment, containing supporting quotes from the Pali canon, see his essay, "The Not-self Strategy.")

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

No-self or Not-self?, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1996; 3pp./8KB)
Is the central Buddhist teaching of anatta (not-self) a statement of metaphysical truth, or is it a strategy for gaining release from suffering? Through a careful study of the key passages from the Pali canon on the subject of anatta, the author here demonstrates the latter to be the case. (This is Ven. Thanissaro's second essay on the subject. For a more expanded treatment, containing supporting quotes from the Pali canon, see his essay, "The Not-self Strategy.")

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

The Not-self Strategy, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2013; 25pp./2KB) [PDF icon]
Is the central Buddhist teaching of anatta (not-self) a statement of metaphysical truth, or is it a strategy for gaining release from suffering? Through a careful study of the key passages from the Pali canon on the subject of anatta, the author here demonstrates the latter to be the case. (This is a revised version of Ven. Thanissaro's first essay on the subject, which originally appeared in the magazine "Insight" in 1994. For a more concise treatment see , "No-self or Not-self?.")
The Not-self Strategy, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2013; 25pp./2KB) [PDF icon]
Phải chăng trọng tâm của giáo lý Phật giáo anatta (vô ngã) một tuyên bố chân lý siêu hình, hay nó là một chiến lược để đạt được giải thoát khỏi đau khổ? Thông qua một nghiên cứu cẩn thận của các đoạn quan trọng từ kinh điển Pali về chủ đề của vô ngã, tác giả tại đây trình bày trường hợp sau. (Đây là một phiên bản sửa đổi của bài luận đầu tiên Ven. Thanissaro về chủ đề, mà ban đầu đăng trên tạp chí "Insight" vào năm 1994. Đối với một điều trị ngắn gọn hơn, "No-self or Not-self?.")
One Tool Among Many: The Place of Vipassana in Buddhist Practice, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997; 7pp./22KB)
What is the relationship between calm (samatha) and insight (vipassana) in Buddhist meditation? A careful reading of the suttas in the Pali canon suggests that the two are not separate meditation methods (as many commentators — classical and contemporary — suggest), but two aspects of a single, unified practice. According to the suttas, correct meditation practice thus calls for us to develop both aspects and to bring them into balance.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

One Tool Among Many: The Place of Vipassana in Buddhist Practice, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997; 7pp./22KB)
What is the relationship between calm (samatha) and insight (vipassana) in Buddhist meditation? A careful reading of the suttas in the Pali canon suggests that the two are not separate meditation methods (as many commentators — classical and contemporary — suggest), but two aspects of a single, unified practice. According to the suttas, correct meditation practice thus calls for us to develop both aspects and to bring them into balance.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

Opening the Door to the Dhamma: Respect in Buddhist Thought & Practice, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2001; 8pp./23KB)
In order to succeed at learning a new skill, one must first muster sufficient respect for oneself, the subject under study, and one's teacher. In this essay the author demonstrates that the same holds true when approaching the Buddha's teachings — the ability to learn depends upon the proper respect for three things: yourself, the principle of kamma, and other people's insights into that principle.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions.

Opening the Door to the Dhamma: Respect in Buddhist Thought & Practice, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2001; 8pp./23KB)
In order to succeed at learning a new skill, one must first muster sufficient respect for oneself, the subject under study, and one's teacher. In this essay the author demonstrates that the same holds true when approaching the Buddha's teachings — the ability to learn depends upon the proper respect for three things: yourself, the principle of kamma, and other people's insights into that principle.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions.

The Paradox of Becoming, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2013; 135pp./0.6MB) [PDF icon]
The Buddha's second Noble Truth states that the cause of suffering is any kind of craving that stimulates becoming (bhava; the process by which we continually fabricate new states of mind, from moment to moment and lifetime to lifetime). Yet this Noble Truth also states that the desire for non-becoming is one of the three basic forms of craving. Thus the paradox: How can we attain the end of suffering if the desire to end it is itself a cause of suffering? In this book the author explores the Buddha's own resolution of this paradox: how, through the practice of jhāna, we can create a unique state of becoming whereby the mind does not add further fuel to its desires. Eventually, this intentionally fabricated state of becoming itself comes to an end, providing the long-sought opening to the Deathless. [Not available in HTML]
The Paradox of Becoming, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2013; 135pp./0.6MB) [PDF icon]
The Buddha's second Noble Truth states that the cause of suffering is any kind of craving that stimulates becoming (bhava; the process by which we continually fabricate new states of mind, from moment to moment and lifetime to lifetime). Yet this Noble Truth also states that the desire for non-becoming is one of the three basic forms of craving. Thus the paradox: How can we attain the end of suffering if the desire to end it is itself a cause of suffering? In this book the author explores the Buddha's own resolution of this paradox: how, through the practice of jhāna, we can create a unique state of becoming whereby the mind does not add further fuel to its desires. Eventually, this intentionally fabricated state of becoming itself comes to an end, providing the long-sought opening to the Deathless. [Not available in HTML]
The Parayana Vagga: The Chapter on the Way to the Far Shore, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997; 1p./4KB)
An introduction to the author's translations of suttas from the Parayana Vagga, the fifth chapter of the Sutta Nipata.
The Parayana Vagga: The Chapter on the Way to the Far Shore, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997; 1p./4KB)
An introduction to the author's translations of suttas from the Parayana Vagga, the fifth chapter of the Sutta Nipata.
The Path of Concentration & Mindfulness, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997; 7pp./21KB)
Are concentration and mindfulness two distinct paths of meditation or are they inseparable parts of a single unified path of practice? In this article, adapted from a talk given at CIMC in 1996, Thanissaro Bhikkhu suggests that the heart of insight practice as taught by the Buddha consists of the skillful development of both jhanic concentration and mindfulness.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

The Path of Concentration & Mindfulness, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1997; 7pp./21KB)
Are concentration and mindfulness two distinct paths of meditation or are they inseparable parts of a single unified path of practice? In this article, adapted from a talk given at CIMC in 1996, Thanissaro Bhikkhu suggests that the heart of insight practice as taught by the Buddha consists of the skillful development of both jhanic concentration and mindfulness.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

The Power of Judgment, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 6pp./19KB)
Developing good judgment is the key to becoming a true friend — first to yourself and then to those around you.
The Power of Judgment, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 6pp./19KB)
Developing good judgment is the key to becoming a true friend — first to yourself and then to those around you.
The Practice in a Word, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1999; 3pp./8KB)
Appamadena sampadetha! — such was the dying Buddha's parting instruction, which has often been translated as "Practice diligently!" But a wider reading in the suttas reveals that that crucial word appamada has a far more nuanced and significant meaning. According to the author, the Buddha's real message was, "Don't be complacent. Watch out for danger. Protect the mind's good qualities. Don't let your guard down."

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

The Practice in a Word, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1999; 3pp./8KB)
Appamadena sampadetha! — such was the dying Buddha's parting instruction, which has often been translated as "Practice diligently!" But a wider reading in the suttas reveals that that crucial word appamada has a far more nuanced and significant meaning. According to the author, the Buddha's real message was, "Don't be complacent. Watch out for danger. Protect the mind's good qualities. Don't let your guard down."

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

Purity of Heart, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 2pp./7KB)
What does it take to become a truly trustworthy person?
Purity of Heart, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 2pp./7KB)
What does it take to become a truly trustworthy person?
Purity of Heart: Essays on the Buddhist Path, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006)
A collection of thirteen essays including the following, which are available online here: Purity of Heart; Faith in Awakening; Untangling the Present; Pushing the Limits; All About Change; The Roots of Buddhist Romanticism; Reconciliation, Right & Wrong; Getting the Message; Educating Compassion; Jhana Not by the Numbers; The Integrity of Emptiness; A Verb for Nirvana; and The Practice in a Word.

[book icon] Available in print only. To request a free copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, PO Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082 USA.

Purity of Heart: Essays on the Buddhist Path, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006)
A collection of thirteen essays including the following, which are available online here: Purity of Heart; Faith in Awakening; Untangling the Present; Pushing the Limits; All About Change; The Roots of Buddhist Romanticism; Reconciliation, Right & Wrong; Getting the Message; Educating Compassion; Jhana Not by the Numbers; The Integrity of Emptiness; A Verb for Nirvana; and The Practice in a Word.

[book icon] Available in print only. To request a free copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, PO Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082 USA.

Pushing the Limits: Desire & Imagination in the Buddhist Path, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 7pp./21KB)
One popular misconception of Buddhism maintains that the Buddha's teachings basically boil down to ridding ourselves of desire. In this essay the author reminds us that the path to liberation is, in fact, firmly rooted in desire—in skillful desire. Says the author: "The path to liberation pushes the limits of skillful desires to see how far they can go."

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

Pushing the Limits: Desire & Imagination in the Buddhist Path, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 7pp./21KB)
One popular misconception of Buddhism maintains that the Buddha's teachings basically boil down to ridding ourselves of desire. In this essay the author reminds us that the path to liberation is, in fact, firmly rooted in desire—in skillful desire. Says the author: "The path to liberation pushes the limits of skillful desires to see how far they can go."

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

Questions of Skill, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2001; 5pp./15KB)
"The Buddha wasn't the sort of teacher who simply answered questions. He also taught which questions to ask." So begins the author, who explains here how the essence of Buddhist practice consists in learning how to ask skillful questions.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions.

Questions of Skill, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2001; 5pp./15KB)
"The Buddha wasn't the sort of teacher who simply answered questions. He also taught which questions to ask." So begins the author, who explains here how the essence of Buddhist practice consists in learning how to ask skillful questions.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions.

Reconciliation, Right & Wrong, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2004; 4pp./13KB)
The Buddha's many teachings include detailed instructions on conflict resolution. This essay explores how the Buddha's insights into the fundamental differences between forgiveness and true reconciliation form the cornerstone of a skillful approach to restoring and preserving communal harmony.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

Reconciliation, Right & Wrong, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2004; 4pp./13KB)
The Buddha's many teachings include detailed instructions on conflict resolution. This essay explores how the Buddha's insights into the fundamental differences between forgiveness and true reconciliation form the cornerstone of a skillful approach to restoring and preserving communal harmony.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

Refuge: An Introduction to the Buddha, Dhamma, & Sangha, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2001; 74pp./222KB) [PDF icon]
This short book provides an excellent introduction to the most basic principles of Buddhism: the Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha, collectively known as the Triple Gem or Triple Refuge. The material is divided into three parts: (I) an introductory essay on the meaning of refuge and the act of going for refuge; (II) a series of readings drawn from the earliest Buddhist texts illustrating the essential qualities of the Triple Gem; and (III) a set of essays explaining aspects of the Triple Gem that often provoke questions in those who are new to the Buddha's teachings.

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Refuge: An Introduction to the Buddha, Dhamma, & Sangha, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2001; 74pp./222KB) [PDF icon]
This short book provides an excellent introduction to the most basic principles of Buddhism: the Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha, collectively known as the Triple Gem or Triple Refuge. The material is divided into three parts: (I) an introductory essay on the meaning of refuge and the act of going for refuge; (II) a series of readings drawn from the earliest Buddhist texts illustrating the essential qualities of the Triple Gem; and (III) a set of essays explaining aspects of the Triple Gem that often provoke questions in those who are new to the Buddha's teachings.

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Right Mindfulness: Memory & Ardency on the Buddhist Path, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2012; 178pp./1.2MB) [PDF icon]
An exploration of the nature of mindfulness and its role in the Buddhist path to Awakening. [Not available in HTML]
Right Mindfulness: Memory & Ardency on the Buddhist Path, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2012; 178pp./1.2MB) [PDF icon]
An exploration of the nature of mindfulness and its role in the Buddhist path to Awakening. [Not available in HTML]
The Roots of Buddhist Romanticism, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2012; 9pp./27KB)
Sometimes it is difficult to appreciate the extent to which one's attitudes towards meditation practice can be influenced by modern cultural trends. In this short excursion into Western cultural history, the author explores the origins of such familar notions as interconnectedness, oneness, and ego-transcendence—ideas popularly attributed to the Buddha—and finds that their roots lie instead in the 18th and 19th century movements of Romanticism and Transcendentalism.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

The Roots of Buddhist Romanticism, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2012; 9pp./27KB)
Sometimes it is difficult to appreciate the extent to which one's attitudes towards meditation practice can be influenced by modern cultural trends. In this short excursion into Western cultural history, the author explores the origins of such familar notions as interconnectedness, oneness, and ego-transcendence—ideas popularly attributed to the Buddha—and finds that their roots lie instead in the 18th and 19th century movements of Romanticism and Transcendentalism.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

Right Speech, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1999; 2pp./5KB)
For many of us, right speech is the most challenging of the precepts to honor. Yet practicing right speech is fundamental both to helping us become trustworthy individuals and to helping us gain mastery over the mind. So choose your words — and your motives for speaking — with care.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

Right Speech, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1999; 2pp./5KB)
For many of us, right speech is the most challenging of the precepts to honor. Yet practicing right speech is fundamental both to helping us become trustworthy individuals and to helping us gain mastery over the mind. So choose your words — and your motives for speaking — with care.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

The Road to Nirvana Is Paved with Skillful Intentions, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1999; 5pp./16KB)
According to the basic principle of karma, our underlying intentions play a crucial role in determining the ultimate fruits of our actions. As the author explains in this essay, if we're genuinely interested in pursuing the goal of the Buddha's teachings, it's not enough that we act merely with good intentions; rather, we must learn, through honest self-reflection and association with virtuous and wise friends, to cultivate skillfulness in our intentions.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

The Road to Nirvana Is Paved with Skillful Intentions, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1999; 5pp./16KB)
According to the basic principle of karma, our underlying intentions play a crucial role in determining the ultimate fruits of our actions. As the author explains in this essay, if we're genuinely interested in pursuing the goal of the Buddha's teachings, it's not enough that we act merely with good intentions; rather, we must learn, through honest self-reflection and association with virtuous and wise friends, to cultivate skillfulness in our intentions.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

Samsara, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2002; 2pp./6KB)
Is samsara (the wearisome "wandering-on" from birth to death to rebirth) a place, or is it the process by which we create and re-create our own suffering? Here the author likens samsara to an addiction that we can choose to give up — or not. Which one shall it be?

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions.

Samsara, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2002; 2pp./6KB)
Is samsara (the wearisome "wandering-on" from birth to death to rebirth) a place, or is it the process by which we create and re-create our own suffering? Here the author likens samsara to an addiction that we can choose to give up — or not. Which one shall it be?

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions.

Samsara Divided by Zero, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2000; 2pp./7KB)
How can the path of practice, which is fabricated, ever hope to deliver us to the goal — nibbana — which is itself unfabricated? A striking analogy from modern chaos theory sheds light on this ancient paradox.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions.

Samsara Divided by Zero, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2000; 2pp./7KB)
How can the path of practice, which is fabricated, ever hope to deliver us to the goal — nibbana — which is itself unfabricated? A striking analogy from modern chaos theory sheds light on this ancient paradox.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions.

The Shape of Suffering: A Study of Dependent Co-arising, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 112pp./0.8MB) [PDF icon]
In this book the author examines the nature of dependent co-arising (paticca samuppada) — the complex causal structure by which dukkha arises and ceases. It also shows how the factors of the path address the causes of suffering in a way that leads to its cessation. [Not available in HTML]

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

The Shape of Suffering: A Study of Dependent Co-arising, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 112pp./0.8MB) [PDF icon]
In this book the author examines the nature of dependent co-arising (paticca samuppada) — the complex causal structure by which dukkha arises and ceases. It also shows how the factors of the path address the causes of suffering in a way that leads to its cessation. [Not available in HTML]

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Selves & Not-self: The Buddhist Teaching on Anatta, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 79pp./241KB) [PDF icon]
Five talks on the topic of not-self (anattā), from a ten-day meditation retreat held in France.
Selves & Not-self: The Buddhist Teaching on Anatta, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 79pp./241KB) [PDF icon]
Five talks on the topic of not-self (anattā), from a ten-day meditation retreat held in France.
Skill in Questions: How the Buddha Taught, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2013; 430pp./2.3MB) [PDF icon]
This book offers an in-depth exploration of the role of questions in the Buddha's teaching, organized around the four classes of questions that the Buddha addressed: questions that call for a direct, categorical answer; those that must be reframed; those that call for cross-questioning; and those that should be put aside altogether. This book serves as a valuable guide to understanding the crucial part that spiritual questioning plays in the practice of Dhamma. [Not available in HTML]

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Skill in Questions: How the Buddha Taught, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2013; 430pp./2.3MB) [PDF icon]
This book offers an in-depth exploration of the role of questions in the Buddha's teaching, organized around the four classes of questions that the Buddha addressed: questions that call for a direct, categorical answer; those that must be reframed; those that call for cross-questioning; and those that should be put aside altogether. This book serves as a valuable guide to understanding the crucial part that spiritual questioning plays in the practice of Dhamma. [Not available in HTML]

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Strength Training for the Mind, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2007; 5pp./14KB)
Taking the lessons of physical training to heart.
Strength Training for the Mind, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2007; 5pp./14KB)
Taking the lessons of physical training to heart.
That the True Dhamma Might Last a Long Time: Readings Selected by King Asoka, selected and translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1993; 20pp./61KB)
A collection of short readings from the Pali canon, which King Asoka (India, 273-232 B.C.E) selected as representative of the essence of the Dhamma. (See also The Edicts of King Asoka, by Ven. S. Dhammika.)
That the True Dhamma Might Last a Long Time: Readings Selected by King Asoka, selected and translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1993; 20pp./61KB)
A collection of short readings from the Pali canon, which King Asoka (India, 273-232 B.C.E) selected as representative of the essence of the Dhamma. (See also The Edicts of King Asoka, by Ven. S. Dhammika.)
Think Like a Thief, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 2pp./7KB)
When problems arise in Dhamma practice, it pays to be imaginative and know how to come up with your own solution.
Think Like a Thief, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2011; 2pp./7KB)
When problems arise in Dhamma practice, it pays to be imaginative and know how to come up with your own solution.
Trading Candy for Gold: Renunciation as a Skill, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1999; 4pp./13KB)
Which would you rather have: an unquenchable thirst for sense-gratification, or a stable, true, and lasting happiness? The choice is yours.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

Trading Candy for Gold: Renunciation as a Skill, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1999; 4pp./13KB)
Which would you rather have: an unquenchable thirst for sense-gratification, or a stable, true, and lasting happiness? The choice is yours.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Noble Strategy.

The Truth of Rebirth: And Why it Matters for Buddhist Practice, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2012; 47pp./145KB) [PDF icon]
An exploration of the Buddha's teaching on rebirth.

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

The Truth of Rebirth: And Why it Matters for Buddhist Practice, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2012; 47pp./145KB) [PDF icon]
An exploration of the Buddha's teaching on rebirth.

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Udana: Exclamations, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2012; 148pp./0.9MB) [PDF icon]
A translation of the third book of the Khuddaka Nikaya, with introduction and notes. [Not available in HTML]
Udana: Exclamations, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2012; 148pp./0.9MB) [PDF icon]
A translation of the third book of the Khuddaka Nikaya, with introduction and notes. [Not available in HTML]
Untangling the Present: The Role of Appropriate Attention, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 7pp./20KB)
The key to success in Buddhist practice lies in your ability to frame the problem of suffering correctly, in terms of the Four Noble Truths.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

Untangling the Present: The Role of Appropriate Attention, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2006; 7pp./20KB)
The key to success in Buddhist practice lies in your ability to frame the problem of suffering correctly, in terms of the Four Noble Truths.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

Using Meditation to Deal with Pain, Illness & Death, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1993; 11pp./33KB)
A talk given to a conference on AIDS, HIV and other Immuno-deficiency Disorders in Long Beach, CA, Nov. 13, 1993.
Using Meditation to Deal with Pain, Illness & Death, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1993; 11pp./33KB)
A talk given to a conference on AIDS, HIV and other Immuno-deficiency Disorders in Long Beach, CA, Nov. 13, 1993.
A Verb for Nirvana, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2005; 9pp./28KB)
As long as we think of Nirvana (Nibbana) as a place — as a destination localized somewhere in space and time — we misunderstand its fundamental significance. In this essay (backed by a selection of sutta excerpts) the author shows that Nirvana is the ending of the entire samsaric process of becoming that creates time and space in the first place. Upon enlightenment one doesn't "enter" or "reach" Nirvana; one simply "nirvanas."

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

A Verb for Nirvana, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2005; 9pp./28KB)
As long as we think of Nirvana (Nibbana) as a place — as a destination localized somewhere in space and time — we misunderstand its fundamental significance. In this essay (backed by a selection of sutta excerpts) the author shows that Nirvana is the ending of the entire samsaric process of becoming that creates time and space in the first place. Upon enlightenment one doesn't "enter" or "reach" Nirvana; one simply "nirvanas."

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book Purity of Heart.

The Weight of Mountains, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2001; 6pp./18KB)
Why do we keep creating suffering for ourselves? How do we bring it to an end? The key is to learn some better feeding habits for the mind.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions.

The Weight of Mountains, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2001; 6pp./18KB)
Why do we keep creating suffering for ourselves? How do we bring it to an end? The key is to learn some better feeding habits for the mind.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions.

‘When you know for yourselves...’: The Authenticity of the Pali Suttas, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2002; 17pp./52KB)
For centuries scholars have argued over which parts of the Pali canon — if any — contain an accurate record of the Buddha's teachings. The texts themselves state that doubts about the Dhamma can be decisively resolved only if one puts the teachings into practice to the point of attaining stream-entry, the first stage of enlightenment. In this essay the author explains the qualities that (according to the texts) one must develop in order to authenticate the Dhamma for oneself.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions.

‘When you know for yourselves...’: The Authenticity of the Pali Suttas, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (2002; 17pp./52KB)
For centuries scholars have argued over which parts of the Pali canon — if any — contain an accurate record of the Buddha's teachings. The texts themselves state that doubts about the Dhamma can be decisively resolved only if one puts the teachings into practice to the point of attaining stream-entry, the first stage of enlightenment. In this essay the author explains the qualities that (according to the texts) one must develop in order to authenticate the Dhamma for oneself.

[book icon] A printed copy is included in the book The Karma of Questions.

Wings to Awakening: An Anthology from the Pali Canon, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff) (2011; 300pp./1KB) [PDF icon]

The "Wings to Awakening" (bodhipakkhiya-dhamma) is the Buddha's own list of his most important teachings. It includes teachings on the Four Frames of Reference, the Four Right Exertions, the Four Bases of Power, the Five Faculties, the Five Strengths, the Seven Factors for Awakening, and the Noble Eightfold Path. Toward the end of his life, the Buddha stated several times that as long as the teachings in this list were remembered and put into practice, his message would endure. The Buddha himself described the Wings to Awakening as being what was most worth mastering and passing along to others.

The material gathered in this anthology consists of more than 200 newly translated passages from the suttas, along with extensive commentary to help the reader grasp their full meaning and their relation to the practice of meditation. This volume is thus both a treasure-house of important passages from the Canon covering the key points of the Buddha's teachings, as well as a practical manual to help the serious meditation student navigate through some of the most fundamental and profound points of Dhamma.

[book icon] To request a printed copy of this book, please write to: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

Yếu tố cần thiết dẫn đến giác ngộ - Hợp tuyển từ kinh điển Pali, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff) (2011; 300pp./1KB) [PDF icon]

Hợp tuyển "Yếu tố cần thiết dẫn đến Giác Ngộ" (bodhipakkhiya-dhamma) là một hợp tuyển quan trọng của giáo pháp Phật giáo lời giảng dạy của Đức Phật. Bao gồm Tứ Niệm Xứ, Tứ Chánh Cần, Tứ Như Ý Túc, Ngũ Căn, Ngũ Lực, Thất Giác Chi, và Bát Chánh Đạo.Cho đến cuối cuộc đời của Ngài, Đức Phật nhiều lần nhắc nhở là những giáo pháp trong đây được ghi nhớ và hành trì, thì giáo pháp của ngài sẽ được tồn tại. Chính Đức Phật Ngài mô tả những Yếu Tố để Giác Ngộ như là những giáo pháp giá trị nhất và nên truyền bá cho người khác.

Các tài liệu thu thập trong một tuyển tập này bao gồm hơn 200 đoạn vừa được dịch từ các bài kinh, cùng với lời bình luận sâu rộng để giúp người đọc nắm bắt đầy đủ ý nghĩa và các chứng dẫn để thực hành thiền định. do đó khối lượng này là cả một kho tàng của những đoạn kinhquan trọng từ kinh điển Pali bao gồm các điểm chính của giáo lý của Đức Phật, cũng như một hướng dẫn thiết thực để giúp các hành giả tu tập xuyên qua một số điểm cơ bản và sâu sắc nhất của giáo Pháp.

[book icon] Qúi vị nào muốn có cuốn sách này, xin liên lạc tại: Metta Forest Monastery, P.O. Box 1409, Valley Center, CA 92082, USA.

 Chủ biên và điều hành: TT Thích Giác Đẳng.

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Cập nhập ngày: Thứ Tư ngày 06-4-2016

Kỹ thuật trình bày: Minh Hạnh & Thiện Pháp

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